003: How to Increase Engagement from Your Reps During Training
Hey, how are you? Hey, I'm
awesome. I'm doing great.
Alright we're doing another episode. Yes sir!
So we talked about this a couple weeks ago, where
you know when we do demos. Whenever I sit in with
you and we do a demo for a potential client, you
will always start with the experience of the rep
and we're kind of talking about why do you start
there. What's the benefit of potential clients?
Why should they be thinking about what their rep
is going through in the process of being onboarded
and trained? Why do you start there? So I do this
on purpose. I do this deliberately because I want
to make a point that the rep’s experience is the
show. They're in the audience, they're looking at
the show and then everything else is backstage.
And really the backstage could be set up in a
completely weird way. Your stage hands, and all,
could be set up in a totally weird way but if
it's getting the right result, why does it matter?
Right? Sometimes companies optimize the opposite.
So, they all want to make a great rep experience
but they're really optimizing their departments.
Right? And so, they're setting up their folders
for how they create their content in a certain way
that's optimizing for creating content regardless
of how the rep experiences that. I'm trying to
emphasize the fact that the rep experience is
paramount because “who cares about reporting
if they ain't nobody taking the course”, right?
Or finishing the training, right? Yeah. And it's
easy to kind of get passed backwards a little bit
with that, right? Yeah. Yeah so, the challenge,
the big challenge, for companies is this
constraint. The biggest constraint I see
in a lot of companies, especially in opportunity
based companies, where they're offering an
opportunity to a rep that is an independent
contractor–it's not a w-2 employee–the biggest
constraint they have is the attention span of that
person. How much attention do they have of that
person? They need to treat those people–the people
that they're trying to recruit or train–more like
consumers who want a great consumer experience,
which we'll talk about more. If you really realize
there's a budget for how much attention you have
and if you're not filling that bucket back up,
you can spend it really easily. Yeah,
right. Yeah, it's a very finite resource,
so again, the stakes are really high for the
types of companies we work with especially
when they have large independent sales forces that
can “nope out” at any time in the process, whether
that be a recruiting or training process. Yeah.
So companies…they'll optimize for each individual
section of the business. So they'll optimize for
recruiting then, they'll optimize for onboarding,
they'll optimize for training and they'll optimize
for engagement. But usually, as the company gets
bigger, they start to silo those, they break
them up. So, early on you know it's the same guy,
same two or three people; the owner and
whatever, building out those experiences.
As you get bigger and bigger and bigger,
recruiting becomes its own arm and all they
care about is “well, we brought this many people
into our funnel”. (It's not all they care about
but you know what I mean…that's what they get
measured on.) There's many people in the funnel,
we got them to sign, we got them to say “yes I
want to do it”, to onboard. “I'm out”, hand them
over to the onboarding team, right? The onboarding
team picks up with a completely different context
and picks that person up and starts working
with them. Each time we do that, each time
we lose people, these are the big opportunities.
If a lot of companies will look at where they're
losing reps, I call it the “sinew” between
these little sections. And what's happening is
they are not tending to that person, in a
way. You should be doing the tending to them,
not relying on them to keep their attention right?
We should make it where they're thinking less
right? Yeah. Don't make me think. It's like a book
about user experience. We really should not make
them think as much as we do except in training.
Like when you're doing training, you do want them
thinking. You do want them recalling what they
learned and everything. Yeah, but they shouldn't
have to think about where they go, right? or
what's the next step or worrying like “okay I got
recruited but I didn't hear anything about where
I need to go, next to get onboarded” Right? Yeah.
I see people losing, again, seeing companies
losing reps between these. Especially because
the sale of keeping this person going and keeping
them excited doesn't stop. I was just talking to
a company where they're like “Yeah, we recruited
these reps. We got them signed and then they're
not showing up for training between that process.
Before we have our physical or our virtual
training, we're losing reps because they talk to
a friend and that friend nag them out on the job
or something like that and then they leave.” Okay?
Yeah. Is that a problem with the recruiters? No,
because the recruiter did their job. Is it
really a problem of the onboarders? Not really.
Yeah because they never got to it. They now,
never got to work with them. So what happened,
right? Yeah. So it's we lost some attention or we
didn't tend to them and add more attention from
their more commitment or belief to them. So if
you think of it like a bucket, a finite bucket,of
attention right? Think about a movie. Even think
about whoever is listening to this right now,
is calculating should I continue
listening to this right now
right? I'm talking about it but they're literally
going like “ah should I turn this podcast off and
go listen to another podcast or should I go you
know listen to some music or change my tune?”.
You know what I mean? Yeah. We're constantly
recalculating and people are doing this
all the time. Yeah. In a world where we have so
much information, I'm tired of seeing it happen.
I'm tired of seeing people lose reps and people
that would have done great in the opportunity
stopping short just because they lost their you
know attention to it. They lost their interest.
They lost their motivation or a lot of indecision
was created and then their indecision creates
fear. And then they say this isn't for me
and then they leave. So opportunity-wise,
I just kind of wrote down, very simply, the
opportunities I think companies that we work with
have okay less recruits. Lost reps are getting
through their onboarding more quickly. They're
more motivated. They're committed to actually
launching. So there's a big difference in between.
Let’s say you could go into the first week where
they're actually going to do the job and they're
like, “Yeah I completed training. I completed
onboarding. I separate onboarding and training
separately but I completed all my onboarding. I
got my shirt size in and my I-9, you know like
my legal stuff in and my background checked
on. All that and I filled out all the forms
and I showed up but I kind of got my arms crossed
like this like is this legit right?” That's not
the same as somebody showing up kind of already
understands how this is gonna go and already got
their information. They're attentive to what's
next right? Yeah, yeah. Big difference, yeah?
So finishing training more quickly, getting
them ready to start the job, and then there's
an opportunity for a tighter feedback loop
with reps. This is what I'll talk about with
regards to combining different experiences, like
a training experience with a pulsing experience,
and being able to have this doesn't make quite
as much sense until I get down to explaining a
little bit more, but those are the opportunities.
Okay so when you talk about the “sinew” and the
drop between the different portions, training,
onboarding, recruitment onboarding and all this,
it makes me think. I like to use restaurants as
examples because everybody goes to restaurants.
So we really have our finger on the pulse of that
experience but you know it's like when you go to a
restaurant. When they've got the chalkboard up in
the front and they have the specials listed on it
and then you sit down. You're like “man that
special sounded really great”. You order it
and the waiter's like “yeah we're all
out”. You're like, “Well doggone it,
erase the chalkboard”. Then you know we had that
experience, you and I had a recently, last month,
when we went out and they didn't have something
that we were like “oh that sounds great”. It
seems like there's a drop off, like at least that
sounds like what you're saying, where the front
end and the back end need to be talking. Likewise,
the recruiters and the onboarders, the trainers,
the departments, they need to be communicating.
They need to button up that communication.
Can you talk more about that? Yeah, yeah
absolutely. They need to button up because, I've
said this before, but really the only person that
actually knows your entire experience is the rep.
Yeah. Right? Because everyone is working off their
micro version of the map for their department. But
they're not seeing how they connect to each other
unless somebody is doing a really really good job
mapping out the entire journey. We've talked about
this before in other episodes. Map your entire rep
journey. Have it somewhere where everybody can
look at it and be like “here's where there's
people dropping off”. Have analytics around
it. I'm really big on this and that's why I
feel like I'm qualified to talk about this. We're
seeing this play out right now in the solar boom.
We're seeing companies that have some top
talent in, you know, the CRO space or head
VP of sales. Here are some that really really get
this and are crushing it because they're treating
it more like a consumer experience. Yeah. And
holistic and they're just at that right point
where they have scale but they're small enough to
make these decisions and put them in place early.
And then there are even big companies where
they've got smart people but it's just so big it's
really hard to move those things. Like you know if
you're if you're recruiting 50,000 reps in a year,
like one of our customers, it's very difficult
to make a lot of you know changes. Yeah. But it's
unfortunate because if you do this right and you
get it right, it reduces back pressure on all of
your managers, right? There's another topic around
the benefits of doing this for your people. Your
managers are dealing with the coaxing, that is
to get people to finish training. The coaxing
that it is to get them to finish onboarding or
go through the recruiting process. All of that
leads to what I call back pressure, which is
essentially your managers having to grow into
painful experiences. You don't want your middle
level managers growing into painful experiences.
You want them actually excited. You want there
to be a deficit between their pain and their
desire to grow right? Not like pain's up here
and growth is down here. You know what I mean?
You can't rely on them. You know to take that in
place. You’re talking about restaurants, so let's
talk about experiences. We should be modeling, you
should be modeling, your rep experience similar to
some of your best consumer experiences you've
ever had. So I'll give you an example of one.
This tool or this product called Founder Shield
is just business insurance. This smart agency
came along and digitized and consumerized the
experience of getting business insurance which is
a totally boring, stodgy process. I've
always hated it and they essentially,
kind of like TurboTax. The process of going
through TurboTax. They have an amazing experience.
They made a linear experience out of asking
a whole bunch of really annoying questions.
They helped me see how far through the process
I was. I think at one point I stopped in the
process and they nudged me to get back in there
and finish the process. They were really clear
with what I needed to give them. Okay? I didn't
have to think about it. Like I just followed the
instructions. I followed and I could have had a
couple beers or you know been kind of a little bit
tipsy and gotten through it, right? Yeah. Simple,
yeah? It's very simple and it was a complicated
task to get all the business information to
get the insurance but they made it simple,
right? They didn't leave any assumptions. Yeah,
okay. Then on top of that, once I got my quotes,
the coach showed up. Then I got my quotes.
It was just like this is how everything
should be. You know I heard those experiences
like can we just make other things like this,
like this experience I mean another one that we
all know is uber. When we first had our first
uber experience we're like “What the?! This was
awesome!” You know? Why can't we have experiences
like this all the time? Yeah and it's hard to
do sometimes you know, like technically, but
there are things that you can do too. We'll talk
about getting more of an experience like that.
So you said you had an example as well… Yeah,
so I think of maybe two examples. I think
of one example where you know the consumer
experience of something that you don't like
and then also the other, which, go back to
a restaurant…which I'll talk about that in a
second. But you know the consumer experience
that you don't like. That's kind of how I'm
approaching this because when you think about
the process of onboarding reps, they really
aren't signing up to be onboarded or to go through
training. They really want to get on the job. So
it's kind of one of those “you have to do it”,
you know? It's not like you get to do it. “Yay,
we get on board”, nobody's really
like that. It's like it's more so:
we have to do this in order to get people
out into the field. So yeah when I think of
experiences that I don't like I think
of stuff like ordering new contacts or
ordering new tires, getting new tires. In
both of those instances they tell you upfront
what's going to happen and they try to make this
a seamless process. So I'm thinking of, you know,
1-800-Contacts, and I'm thinking of Discount
Tires, you know? They tell you it's going to
take this amount of time, it's going to be this.
They're also reaching out to you saying “Hey you
should be changing your tires” or “You should be
getting new contacts”. They know that information
so they're surfacing just at the right time.
When you go in to get new tires, they tell you
“Hey it's going to take x amount of time, and this
is the process that we're going to do.” They give
you the opportunity to leave and come back if you
want, so you know whatever it is that you need to
do when you're getting that done. So, I think on
the one hand telling people what the process is
helps to make it feel more seamless. Then you
know for a restaurant, when you think about
going someplace to eat when they ask you good
questions. First, when the hostess or the host
you know, they transfer you to the waiter if
they've got just a seamless process there,
you know? “Hey your waiter's gonna be with you,
here in just a second” and no sooner do they walk
away, and your waiters greeting you, talking
to you, asking you questions about what it is
you want to drink. “What it is you want to eat?”
and if you're like “well, no, I don't drink” then
they know immediately what to do from that point.
They're going to ask you about what kind of
meal you are looking for. If you're looking for
something heavy, you want something light, you
know? They want to tell you about the specials,
they ask good questions to make the process
an enjoyable process. So I think asking
good questions, making things seamless
and communicating clearly what it is that you're
trying to do. So yeah, I mean asking questions
is another example of garnering attention.
Yeah, right. Because people want to hear,
people want to talk, people want to engage
with them. They want to share about themselves.
It's always easier to do that. So tip two is like
look for ways to reduce the attention needed and
increase the attention level. Okay so attention
needed things like reading like blocks of text,
we were talking about that in training. You've
seen this right? Like dude, yeah this course.
Yeah, so the one of the things that ends up
happening is that people create content and
sometimes they'll use text, just tons and tons and
tons of text and the learner is just scrolling,
scrolling, scrolling through all this. We
encourage people not to do that. You should
use text. There's a time to use text and I know
you can talk about that but you know when you
think they're engaging, if they're consuming
your material your content on their phones,
text can be something where, as soon as somebody
gets a text message from somebody else–and when
I say text, I mean articles, like you're giving
them articles to read–as soon as they get a text
from a friend, they kind of check out and they
may not come back to reading that full article.
So we try to live by, and encourage this mantra,
and I don't remember where we came across it, but
this idea that video is king. What if you can take
your content and present it to your learners in a
way that they're already using on their phone,
you know? And again, not that text is bad but
if they're, you know, primarily consuming social
media on their phone then it's likely in the form
of graphics or videos. So it makes sense to
present in that same kind of manner instead
of making them or asking them to scroll through
and scroll through and scroll through. You have to
ask the question: how often do you sit and read
tons and tons of articles on your phone? Yeah,
that was for that and and even if it has to be
text like at least break it up. Break it up from
I'm expecting you to read for 10 minutes or two.
Like I'm expecting to read for one or two minutes
then I'm going to ask you a quick question to
engage with you. Then go to the next section. So
always be looking for ways you know that… Have
you ever heard of “you're either moving away
from your goal or towards your goal”? Right well,
look through your requests and are you saying am I
spending attention or creating attention
through all of my processes, right? Yeah and
really watch out for when you start to dip
below like a baseline, you know what I mean?
An example of one I think I know happens
is you recruit a rep they're excited.
You have a great talented person to hop on the
phone with and recruit them and then you're like
“great let's onboard you”. Then you get them
on the onboarding sequence and then there is
zero work done to keep them hot, like to keep
them interested. And you're like okay you're
gonna launch and so now we're gonna go through the
process of getting your social, your blood type,
and your social security number. You're like
all this stuff and there's zero intermission
to be like “by the way here's how our competitions
work and people are learning like winning all this
sorts of stuff”. “What's your shirt size?” You
see what I'm saying? But it's not intermixing the
attention creation and you're expecting just
spending all of that attention down to a zero
level. So it's just really thinking about it
like a thermometer or thinking like a bottle
and you're filling it up and ripping it down every
once in a while or pouring it out. Yeah so this is
really the biggest thing I wanted to talk about in
our conversation which was this idea of blurring
the lines between requirements and finding ways
to combine interactions that are different types
of interactions. So a lot of companies will treat
these different types of interactions or different
jobs to be done as separate little things on the
back end and then they show up to the rep like
little tiny movies. It's like separate
movies rather than one big movie.
So the rep doesn't care if you have a recruiting
department or an onboarding department or an hr
group. They don't care about any of that stuff.
What they care about is what they're experiencing.
So here's some what-ifs: What if the place where
you recruited the rep is also where you sent them
to watch the opportunity video? And also the
same place that they're going to do training,
right? Where they've already been onboarded
into the thing that they'll end up using to
do the rest of onboarding and the rest of training
right? Right there in the recruiting experience
rather than like “oh you did this recruiting app
over here and filled out your application here
and then you went over here”. It's just like one
of these things like you're just going like this
right yeah? What do I have to download? What do
I have to yeah… Yeah exactly. Then what if a rep
watches a belief building video a
little micro while he's filling out
some onboarding information, right? So you do
a quick little “here's you know Sally” and how
she did in the job right after and here's
how she did right after onboarding. Okay
a little testimonial and then, “By the way we need
this from you” in this here. And you spread out
onboarding as part of your training so you're
blurring the lines between those two sections.
One thing that's also a byproduct investment in
that is that people want to be congruent with the
time investment that they made right. So if you're
just doing onboarding by itself then, like I said,
they're making that risk reward calculation
while they're on boarding. They're like well
“I haven't learned anything about the job or how
I'm going to do this or what it's going to be like
and this is boring so I'm done”, you know? You
might be thinking in the back of your mind some of
the more rugged sales people are being like
“well if they can't finish that and they can't
have enough attention to do this then I don't
want them” you know? Something that I hate that
because you're assuming that the reason why
they're noping out you know from your process is
because they're not capable. It's because they got
three other opportunities like at their doorstep.
Yeah. In one of the hardest recruiting climates
for especially for independent contractor type
of roles yeah a long time right? Yeah. So you
have to change that mindset from being like “well
it's a barrier for a reason” and be like “no,
if they don't sell they don't sell”. But if
you build the right systems, who cares right?
At least you got them through the process. So
another one of blurring the lines is while
you're doing a little bit of training
you also asked them a quick little “how's it
going in the field” question, like a stats tracker
question. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well are
you using the new approach that we rolled out?
How's that going for you? How do you feel about
it? A poll on what's the most challenging thing
in this new location we're checking out right?
Whatever. But usually people will engage in
another tool like SurveyMonkey or you know do
the surveys over there and they'll do them later
and then again that's another thing that you're
asking people to divide their attention on and
go do that over there versus doing it in line.
I think of it in line as one nice experience.
Another way to think about it is like stories like
Facebook stories or something where the reason why
they pulled that out is for engagement, right?
So instead of having to scroll through like 900
posts, it was just like a dot dot dot like just
you just click, click, click and you're going
through these nice little videos and it's kind
of a roll up of everything that's changed since
you've been there last. Yeah. Right, yeah. It's
easy for people to engage with. So this makes me
think of the fact that like we know that this is
something that's out there. We have a belief that
there's really something that's more than just a
concept. So I know we have an example which would
be, you know the old-school Batman when he and
Robin jump on the pole and by the time they get
down to the bottom they're dressed right? Yeah or
like Ironman will come flying in, he lands and as
soon as he lands the system is taking off all of
his armor, right? We think that there are these
times and these places out there where the process
of equipping you is also the process that outfits
you. Yeah! So we're doing multiple things at
once we know it exists. It just feels nebulous
you know? Maybe even the fact that I'm using
these two examples kind of shows that like it's
there's just not quite on the nose in in certain
places but if if we can double up blur the lines,
like you're talking about, you actually, you know
the expression, “kill two birds with one stone”.
I wish there was a way to have a measurement
meter where you could just watch the tension
go up and down you know? Yeah. Yeah and see
the dips. The other thing is, well, a lot of
companies solve this through hyper messaging. So
the way they do it is “well I'm going to get their
attention back” because every department is going
to hammer them with different messaging. And this
becomes an even bigger problem than no messaging
or lack of engagement because you overwhelm them.
Okay? You're asking them to have another
level of attention so there's a tension in
you're asking them to figure out what to do
next on top. So if you're given three tasks
and training and three trials and onboarding,
you're now asking the rep to hold that in their
head and be like what am I supposed to do
first? Yeah. Right. Do I go do the training?
Can I maybe just do the training first then I
can do some of these questions? For sure. And
the best thing that you can do is create an
experience that's linear, okay? As much as
possible, keep the attention on one thing at a
time while giving them enough understanding of
what they're headed to. We've talked about this
before where they can be like “ah you're going
like”- what's that saying? Bearing the lead right.
So you're bearing the lead like you're not telling
me where I'm going or how this is going to play
out and so I'm kind of scared because you are
taking me through a linear process but you're
losing my attention because I don't know what I'm
gonna be doing for the next three days or the next
three months. Yeah so the best is a nice little
blend of making a very linear this is what you
do next experience but then also doing a little
bit like “hey it's gonna be okay here's all the
things you're going to do just real quick we're
just going to tell you so you don't feel like
you're going to get painted”. Yeah yeah yeah.
Yeah that's okay but I love your thoughts like
sliding down the pole and being equipped at the
end. Yeah. Yeah that's super cool. That's
a really good example. So call to action,
all right. So this one, if you're a you know
head of recruiting, go through the go be a secret
shopper for outside of your department right? So
if you're ahead of recruiting or ahead of that, go
do onboarding as a secret shopper if you can.
Or have somebody, you know, meet with someone to
have them go through your onboarding so that you
can understand the onboarding experience. Right
then if you're just in HR and you're all about
onboarding reps and getting them, you know,
set up in your systems, go do training right or go
through and learn about the training experience.
Do some cross learning there, okay? If you're VP
ask your people to do this because what they'll
find is ways like “well we're asking for the
same information” or “we're leasing things out
that we thought we covered that they understood”.
You'll find the deficiencies either in terms of
repeating yours, like I said repeating
yourself. I just said I just repeated myself
and is it like repeating yourself. Yeah it's
like repeating yourself. So if you find yourself
repeating yourself… And this is just an easy way
to get more collaboration between your team and
then of course there's the bigger task, the bigger
call to action, which is once everybody does that,
let's just whiteboard it all out. Let's have a
place where everybody can see their reps journey
and look for the places where there's a lack of
attention. Or you're asking for too much attention
where you are gonna have people drop off so that's
it. That's the call to action. Another email you
could send, a quick little action you could take
if you're like you know CRO or head of customer
rep experience, you could email each to head
of a department and be like” just give me your
give me your process,” like, “give me your
bullets…your nine steps that go through your
process, okay?” And, what has to be done for
them to get to the next step, right? Yeah yeah.
Once you get those from your people, look at
where they overlap. Look at where some things
could be intermixed together, okay? And get
some of that nice double play, right? Because
lastly, this isn't a call to action but, think
about a day to day in a rep. Like if they're doing
another job while getting onboarded with you,
right? Maybe they're still working at another
place. They're working eight hours there or maybe
they're looking at multiple opportunities at the
same time, right? Yeah. So really how much time do
you have? Do you have three 30-minute time frames
with them in a day? No. You probably have like a
15-minute window or a 30-minute window at the end
of the day or in the morning of the day, you know,
morning to pack in anything you need to get done.
So if you can compact it and make it effortful
and make it short but it hits all the right notes
for where they are in the process then you
win. Right? That's how you win. So that's it.
