006: Improve Sales Experience while Growing Super Fast w/George Garcia @ LGCY Power
How a sales performance director in a super fast growing solar company thinks about onboarding/training reps (advice for directors and sales reps).
How a sales performance director in a super fast growing solar company thinks about onboarding/training reps (advice for directors and sales reps).
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00:00-00:31 George Garcia Excerpt
00:31-01:40 TRJ Episode 006 Intro
01:40-02:34 Introducing George Garcia @LGCY Power
02:34-09:14 Q1: Why do you white-board (map) the process?
09:14-11:41 Q2: Was white-boarding simple or complex?
11:4-20:29 1 Q3: What do you wish you had known when you first started this role?
20:20-22:21 Q4: What have you added/removed to the onboarding/training process?
22:21-28:49 Q5: What one concept would you give to sales directors, CROs, and rep trainers?
28:49-32:34 Q6: What is something you're inspired by right now?
32:34-33:48 Q7: What kind of cookies?
33:48-38:00 Q8: What questions should a director ask to find out the needs of the rep during onboarding?
38:00-38:26 Q9: What can sales reps do to work on their skills for promotion?
38:26-42:44 Q10: What skills are you looking for in a sales rep to promote them?
42:44-43:07 Looking for a job?
43:07-43:37 a Demo with ConveYour
Connect with George Garcia on LinkedIn:
⚡️ LGCY Power Job Postings:
LGCY Power:
Connect with Stephen Rhyne on LinkedIn:
© Schedule a Demo with ConveYour:
00:00-00:31 George Garcia Excerpt
00:31-01:40 TRJ Episode 006 Intro
01:40-02:34 Introducing George Garcia @LGCY Power
02:34-09:14 Q1: Why do you white-board (map) the process?
09:14-11:41 Q2: Was white-boarding simple or complex?
11:4-20:29 1 Q3: What do you wish you had known when you first started this role?
20:20-22:21 Q4: What have you added/removed to the onboarding/training process?
22:21-28:49 Q5: What one concept would you give to sales directors, CROs, and rep trainers?
28:49-32:34 Q6: What is something you're inspired by right now?
32:34-33:48 Q7: What kind of cookies?
33:48-38:00 Q8: What questions should a director ask to find out the needs of the rep during onboarding?
38:00-38:26 Q9: What can sales reps do to work on their skills for promotion?
38:26-42:44 Q10: What skills are you looking for in a sales rep to promote them?
42:44-43:07 Looking for a job?
43:07-43:37 a Demo with ConveYour